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venerdì 8 luglio 2011

Release Note - League of Legends Patch v1.0.0.121

Release Notes v1.38.38

Updated the filter on summoner name creation and change
Fixed a bug with multiple error pop-ups appearing in
Updated Custom Game Lobby interface
Added default game names to Custom Game creation.
Custom Games now have a “Quit” button in Champion Select. Players will no longer have to log back into to cancel a custom game in Champion Select.
Removed warnings for leaving Battle Training during Champion Select
Updated Champion filters in the Summoner Profile
Fixed a bug where the incorrect Mastery Page name was being displayed when viewing another Summoner's profile
Fixed a bug that could cause you to overwrite your own Mastery Pages
Fixed a bug with viewing other players’ Rune Pages
Added multiple rune purchases to the store. Players can now use the “+” and “-“ signs to choose how many runes of a certain type to buy, up to 9
Multiple bug-fixes for the store
Updated matchmaking to make level 30s matching with non-30s rarer

League of Legends v1.0.0.121


If Akali uses Shadow Dance on a champion, she will attempt to attack the target upon successfully arriving


Headbutt ability power ratio reduced to .7 from .8
Pulverize ability power ratio reduced to .5 from .6
Triumphant Roar ability power ratio reduced to .2 from .4


Enchanted Crystal Arrow
Cooldown increased to 100/90/80 from 75 at all levels
Slow duration no longer scales with level and now slows for 3 seconds at all levels


Rocket Grab now has a proper animation.


Fixed a bug where Pyroclasm could instant-kill enemies under some circumstances.


Tuned Ezreal's autoattack frames to be more responsive
Trueshot Barrage cooldown reduced to 80 from 100.
Essence Flux mana cost reduced to 60/70/80/90/100 from 70/80/90/100/110.


Fixed a bug where Dark Wind could instant-kill people under some circumstances.


Grog-Soaked Blade max stacks reduced to 4 from 5.


Bladesurge mana cost changed to 60/65/70/75/80 from 70
Transcendent Blades damage reduced to 80/120/160 from 85/135/185

Jarvan IV

Demacian Standard
Cooldown increased to 13 from 12
Damage reduced to 60/105/150/195/240 from 60/110/160/210/260
Dragon Strike damage reduced to 70/115/160/205/250 from 70/120/170/220/270


Leap Strike can now target wards again, but will now reveal wards to enemies when used in this manner.


Shunpo can now target wards again, but will now reveal wards to enemies when used in this manner.


Fixed a bug where Void Ooze was not flagged as an area-of-effect spell
Updated Kog'Maw's autoattack frame to be more responsive
Updated Bio-Arcane Barrage attack frame to be more responsive
Updated Caustic Spittle's attack frame to be more responsive
Bio-Arcane Barrage
Cooldown increased to 17 from 15
Duration increased to 10 from 6
Living Artillery drop time reduced slightly to increase consistency (Overall slightly faster)

Lee Sin

Safeguard can now target wards again, but will now reveal wards to enemies when used in this manner


Fixed a bug where Nether Grasp would sometimes only deal 4 ticks of damage instead of 5


Damage adjusted to 30/60/90/120/150 from 40/65/90/115/140
Ability power ratio reduced to .45 from .5


Overload base damage increased to 40/65/90/115/140 from 30/55/80/105/130


Ravenous Flock now heals Swain for 75% of damage dealt versus champions, and 25% versus minions


Hungering Strike now heals for 80% of damage dealt, down from 100%


Omen of War
Fixed a bug where the Spectral Ghoul would not spawn if Yorick was silenced.
Omen of Pestilence
Increased the cast range by 50
Improved the consistency of the AoE slow by increasing the radius and rate of application.
Mana cost reduced to 40/45/50/55//60 from 50/55/60/65/70
Omen of Famine
Mana cost reduced to 55/60/65/70/75 from 60/65/70/75/80
Omen of Death
Updated the visual of Reanimated Champions to better show when a Champion has revived.
Removed the health decay on the Revenant and Reanimated pets
Fixed a bug with the interaction between Chronoshift and Revenants
Fixed a bug with Heimerdinger's turrets and the Reanimated state
Unholy Symbiosis
Yorick now takes 5% reduced damage for each summon that is active.
Increased the Attack Damage and Health of ghouls to 35% from 30% of Yorick's Attack Damage and Health
Ghouls are now immune to slows.
Ghouls take 50% reduced damage from AoE abilities
Mana per level increased to 35 from 30
Health per level increased to 85 from 80
Armor per level increased to 3.6 from 3
Base Movement speed increased to 320 from 315
Slightly increased his base Attack Speed


Rabadon's Deathcap base ability power reduced to 140 from 155


Fixed areas in brush that did not correctly hide units
Teleporting to a ward will now reveal the ward to enemies for a few seconds
Locally jumping to ward will now destealth the ward for 2 seconds
Added minimap range indicators for long range (non-global ) spells such as Nocturne’s Paranoia and Ashe’s Hawk Shot

Finally some buffs to yorick ... but i really don't like the nerfs that Jarvan is getting every single patch :(

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