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martedì 26 luglio 2011

Wukong Spotlight & Release Notes Patch v1.0.0.122

This patch is gonna weight 300mb ... maybe some interesting changes. I really don't like the nerf on yorick, she was finally a useful champion.

New Skins in the Store
Volcanic Wukong
General Wukong
Darkforge Jarvan IV
Bloodfury Renekton Store
UI redesign of the store home page
Bouncing red text animation replaced with a shimmer
Replaced the bright blue and bright red header graphics with dark blue
Removed padding to create 20% more space on the home page
Fixed several issues with text alignments (featured items for example)
Fixed an issue with the promo image scroller where it would pause when you moused over an image
Filtering items by IP/RP now works properly
Added a filter that allows a user to sort alphabetically
Search functionality updated to narrow results as you type each character
All store pages now have a textured background instead of a solid black background
Replaced pagination with a vertical scroll bar
Updated the topside tabs graphic and added a rollover state
Fixed a bug with sorting that caused certain items to show up in incorrect places once filtered v1.40.17
Players will now receive more IP in very long ranked games
Number of leaves is no longer visible in game lobbies
Added a mouseover tooltip for the notifications tab
LeaverBuster emails are now localized per language
Fixed the text color of Masteries to make them easier to read
Fixed a bug that allowed banned Champions to be selected when using the Random option
Fixed a bug with displayed wins in the Custom Game lobby
Fixed several bugs with the Mastery Page UI
Fixed several bugs that occurred while viewing another Summoner's profile
Fixed several bugs with the word filter

League of Legends v1.0.0.122
Wukong, the Monkey King
Crushing Blow: Wukong swings his mighty staff with incredible speed, crushing his opponent. This attack deals additional physical damage and reduces the enemy's armor for a short duration.
Decoy: Wukong utilizes his cleverness to trick his foes. He becomes stealthed for 1.5 seconds and leaves an uncontrollable decoy behind that will deal Magic Damage to enemies near it after 1.5 seconds.
Nimbus Strike: Wukong dashes on a cloud toward a target enemy and sends out images to attack up to 2 additional enemies near his target, dealing physical damage to each enemy struck.
Cyclone (Ultimate): Wukong's staff grows outward and he spins it around, dealing damage and knocking up enemies. Wukong gains movement speed over the duration of the spell.
Stone Skin (Passive): Wukong's armor and magic resistance are increased for each nearby enemy champion.

Volcanic Wukong Bundle

If you've been positively burning with anticipation to get your hands on the Monkey King, then you'll be pleased to know that you can pick up the Volcanic Wukong skin for 50% off when you purchase the skin and champion together in our Volcanic Wukong Bundle.
- Wukong Champion + Volcanic Wukong (normally 1950 RP) will be only 1462 RP

Wukong Double Bundle

On the other hand, if you're feeling particularly decadent, you can pick up both Volcanic Wukong and General Wukong for 50% off when you purchase the champion and skins together in the Wukong Double Bundle
- Wukong Champion + Volcanic Wukong + General Wukong (normally 2925 RP) will be only 1950 RP

Damage reduced to 85/125/165/205/245 from 90/130/170/210/250
Ability power ratio reduced to .7 from .75
Damage reduced to 80/130/180/230/280 from 85/135/185/235/285
Ability power ratio reduced to .75 from .8

Miasma now gives persistent vision in the area where cast

Phosphorus Bomb
No longer blinds
Damage reduced to 70/120/170/220/270 from 80/130/180/230/280
Gatling Gun attack damage ratio reduced to 20% from 25%
Missile Barrage: Big One bonus damage reduced to 50% from 60%

Fixed a bug where Mystic Shot did not interact with spell shields

Base health increased to 520 from 495
Base armor increased to 20.5 from 16
Armor per level reduced to 3.5 from 4
Resolute Smite
Projectile speed increased to 1300 from 1200
Mana cost reduced to 60/65/70/75/80 from 70/75/80/85/90
Ability power reduced to .7 from .8
Duration increased to 4 seconds from 3.5 seconds
Heal increased to 25/40/55/70/85 from 20/32/44/56/68
Idol of Durand damage reduction while channeling increased to 50% from 30%

Parrrley gold bonus reduced to 4/5/6/7/8 from 4/6/8/10/12
Raise Morale
Active attack damage bonus reduced to 14/22/30/38/46 from 20/28/36/44/52
Active movement speed bonus reduced to 10/14/18/22/26% from 14/18/22/26/30%

New models and textures for Janna and Tempest Janna
All new animations for her and her skins!

Leap Strike
Attack damage ratio increased to 1.0 from 0.7
Base damage reduced to 35/60/85/110/135 from 50/75/100/125/150

New model and animations!
Community contest "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" /dance animation
Attack damage per level reduced to 2.5 from 3
Attack speed per level reduced to 2 from 2.3
Recommended items updated
Holy Fervor
New Passive: Kayle's basic attacks against enemy champions now reduce their armor and magic resistance by 2% for 5 seconds (stacks up to 5 times)
Missile speed increased to 1300 from 1000
Ability power ratio increased to 1.0 from 0.8
Mana cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90 from 80/85/90/95/100
Slow increased to 35% from 25%
Damage amplification reduced to 5% from 8/10/12/14/16%
Righteous Fury
Cooldown reduced to 16 seconds from 22/21/20/19/18 seconds
Bonus damage increased to 20/30/40/50/60 from 4/10/16/22/28
Increased splash range to 300 from 200
Ability power ratio decreased to .2 to .3
Mana cost reduced to 45 from 65
Divine Blessing
Base heal adjusted to 45/85/125/165/205 from 65/100/135/170/205
Movement speed duration reduced to 2.5 seconds from 10 seconds
Movement speed boost increased to 15/17/19/21/23% from 12%
Ability power ratio reduced to .35 from .5
Cooldown increased to 15 seconds from 10 seconds

Sap Magic can now be cast while silenced

Command: Dissonance
Ability power ratio reduced to .5 from .6
Movement speed slow and boost reduced to 20/25/30/35/40% from 25/30/35/40/45%

Grand Skyfall now has a range of 5500

Ravenous Flock now prioritizes champions

Fixed a bug where Move Quick did not proc on-spell cast effects such as Sheen

New model and animations!
Tryndamere has been working out and is now approximately 20% bigger
Tryndamere now uses Fury, gaining 5 per hit, 10 per crit, and 10 extra per kill.
Fury decays at 5 Fury per second after being out of combat for 10 seconds.
Passively adds 5-20/10-30/15-40/20-50/25-60 Attack Damage depending on how wounded Tryndamere is
Consumes all Fury to heal Tryndamere for 30-80/40-135/50-190/60-245/70-300 depending on how much Fury was consumed
Cooldown adjusted to 12 seconds from 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
Mocking Shout is now free to cast
Spinning Slash
Spinning Slash is now free to cast
Cooldown increased to 13/12/11/10/9 seconds from 9 seconds
Base damage adjusted to 60/90/120/150/180 from 40/90/140/190/240
Scaling adjusted to 1.0 bonus Attack Damage from 0.5 total Attack Damage (still scales with AP)
Now deals physical damage instead of magic damage
Battle Fury now grants up to 35% Critical Chance, depending on how full his Fury bar is

Twisted Fate
Gate now has a range of 5500

Tiger Stance Attack Damage ratio reduced to 1.5 from 1.7
Fixed a bug where turtle stance was healing off of the damage dealt by Madred's Razor.

Fixed a bug where Silver Bolts would go through Blind effects.

Base armor of ghouls reduced to 10 from 20
Omen of Death damage percent reduced to 45/60/75% from 50/75/100%
Omen of Pestilence now scales off of ability power at a 1.0 ratio instead of a .8 bonus attack damage ratio
Omen of Famine
Heals for 40% of the damage dealt, down from 50%
Range reduced to 550 from 650

Zhonya's Hourglass combine cost reduced to 800 from 1000
Randuin's Omen and Shurelya's Reverie will now grant assists

Significantly reduced sound related mid-game framerate stalls and hitches which were strongly affecting gameplay on certain machines
Fixed a bug where certain spells would deal damage twice
Fixed a bug where minions were not properly displaying stat growth over time

lunedì 25 luglio 2011

Patch Preview: and Kayle Remaking

So kayle will change, maybe the graphic restyling was felt from everyone. Her wings was very ugly.
That nerf to Panteon wasn't necessary imho. We will see another nerf on jarvan or irelia? XDD

venerdì 22 luglio 2011

A New Champion Approaches: Wukong, the Monkey King

This champ gonna be epic!! i can't wait!


In the Plague Jungles, Kong ruled as king. He could wield a unique, natural form of magic and he was driven by zealous ambition. The Plague Jungles were the ideal setting for fostering his growth - he thrived on challenges and flourished in adversity. However, when he had surmounted every obstacle and defeated every opponent, he grew restless. Worried that there was nothing left to overcome, he sought counsel with the monkey sage who lived behind the Grand Waterfall. The sage told him a tale of hairless monkeys to the north who, with wits and strength, bent the world to their will. Kong was overjoyed at the prospect of such worthy competition, and he immediately set out to the north, hoping that the sage's story was true.

Traveling north, he crossed the Southern Wastes and then the Great Barrier. Unaware of the League, he arrived outside the Institute of War where he found Master Yi in meditation. Kong was eager to test the strength of these northern warriors, so he challenged Yi to a duel. Intrigued by Kong, Yi decided to humor him. Within moments of his first strike, Kong knew he was no match for Yi. To be the best, he would need a mentor. He asked Yi to take him as a pupil and to show him the wonders of the northern lands. In return, he would honor Yi by becoming the greatest warrior Runeterra had ever seen. Admiring his passion, Yi agreed, but only under the condition that Kong would one day teach the lessons of Wuju to a pupil of his own. In the spirit of this agreement, he renamed Kong ''Wukong'', and gave him a weapon suited to his unusual nature - an enchanted staff that the young Doran had crafted. The weapon was an unrivalled masterpiece. After rigorous training, Wukong joined the League of Legends to fulfill his promise and show the world the true power of Wuju.

''The first step to wisdom and greatness is realizing how little you know.''
- The first lesson of Master Yi


Stone Skin (Passive): Wukong's armor and magic resistance are increased for each nearby enemy champion.

Crushing Blow: Wukong swings his mighty staff with incredible speed, crushing his opponent. This attack deals additional physical damage and reduces the enemy's Armor for a short duration.

Decoy: Wukong utilizes his cleverness to trick his foes. He becomes stealthed for 1.5 seconds and leaves an uncontrollable decoy behind that will deal Magic Damage to enemies near it after 1.5 seconds.

Nimbus Strike: Wukong dashes on a cloud toward a target enemy and sends out images to attack up to 2 additional enemies near his target, dealing physical damage to each enemy struck.

Cyclone (Ultimate): Wukong's staff grows outward and he spins it around, dealing damage and knocking up enemies. Wukong gains movement speed over the duration of the spell.

mercoledì 20 luglio 2011

Gameplay Preview : Wukong, the Monkey King

Finally we see his abilities. I noticed is really similar to Azwraith from DotA allstars.

Anyway this champ is really exciting me!! i LOVE MONKEYS!!

sabato 16 luglio 2011

Champion Sneak Peek – Wukong, the Monkey King

Hell YEAH! Finally!

If you positively flipped out when you saw our First Look at the awesome and acrobatic Monkey King back in April, you’ll be pleased to know that your long wait is nearly over. And I’m not just monkeying around this time! So if you’re ready to go bananas like a party animal to celebrate the release of Wukong, the Monkey King, start sending out your invitations. This is one primate you’re not going to want to miss.

mercoledì 13 luglio 2011

Leona Bundles

Phoenix Leona Bundle
If you’re ready to rise again, Valkyrie Leona is on the case for 50% off when you purchase the skin and champion together in our Valkyrie Leona Bundle!
- Leona champion + Valkyrie Leona (normally 1495 RP) will be only 1235 RP

Leona Double Bundle
If you’re really looking to gear up, you can snag bot Valkyrie Leona and Defender Leona for 50% off when you purchase the champion and both of her skins together in the Leona Double Bundle!
- Leona champion + Valkyrie Leona skin + Defender Leona skin (normally 2470) will be only 1722 RP

domenica 10 luglio 2011

sabato 9 luglio 2011

venerdì 8 luglio 2011

Release Note - League of Legends Patch v1.0.0.121

Release Notes v1.38.38

Updated the filter on summoner name creation and change
Fixed a bug with multiple error pop-ups appearing in
Updated Custom Game Lobby interface
Added default game names to Custom Game creation.
Custom Games now have a “Quit” button in Champion Select. Players will no longer have to log back into to cancel a custom game in Champion Select.
Removed warnings for leaving Battle Training during Champion Select
Updated Champion filters in the Summoner Profile
Fixed a bug where the incorrect Mastery Page name was being displayed when viewing another Summoner's profile
Fixed a bug that could cause you to overwrite your own Mastery Pages
Fixed a bug with viewing other players’ Rune Pages
Added multiple rune purchases to the store. Players can now use the “+” and “-“ signs to choose how many runes of a certain type to buy, up to 9
Multiple bug-fixes for the store
Updated matchmaking to make level 30s matching with non-30s rarer

League of Legends v1.0.0.121


If Akali uses Shadow Dance on a champion, she will attempt to attack the target upon successfully arriving


Headbutt ability power ratio reduced to .7 from .8
Pulverize ability power ratio reduced to .5 from .6
Triumphant Roar ability power ratio reduced to .2 from .4


Enchanted Crystal Arrow
Cooldown increased to 100/90/80 from 75 at all levels
Slow duration no longer scales with level and now slows for 3 seconds at all levels


Rocket Grab now has a proper animation.


Fixed a bug where Pyroclasm could instant-kill enemies under some circumstances.


Tuned Ezreal's autoattack frames to be more responsive
Trueshot Barrage cooldown reduced to 80 from 100.
Essence Flux mana cost reduced to 60/70/80/90/100 from 70/80/90/100/110.


Fixed a bug where Dark Wind could instant-kill people under some circumstances.


Grog-Soaked Blade max stacks reduced to 4 from 5.


Bladesurge mana cost changed to 60/65/70/75/80 from 70
Transcendent Blades damage reduced to 80/120/160 from 85/135/185

Jarvan IV

Demacian Standard
Cooldown increased to 13 from 12
Damage reduced to 60/105/150/195/240 from 60/110/160/210/260
Dragon Strike damage reduced to 70/115/160/205/250 from 70/120/170/220/270


Leap Strike can now target wards again, but will now reveal wards to enemies when used in this manner.


Shunpo can now target wards again, but will now reveal wards to enemies when used in this manner.


Fixed a bug where Void Ooze was not flagged as an area-of-effect spell
Updated Kog'Maw's autoattack frame to be more responsive
Updated Bio-Arcane Barrage attack frame to be more responsive
Updated Caustic Spittle's attack frame to be more responsive
Bio-Arcane Barrage
Cooldown increased to 17 from 15
Duration increased to 10 from 6
Living Artillery drop time reduced slightly to increase consistency (Overall slightly faster)

Lee Sin

Safeguard can now target wards again, but will now reveal wards to enemies when used in this manner


Fixed a bug where Nether Grasp would sometimes only deal 4 ticks of damage instead of 5


Damage adjusted to 30/60/90/120/150 from 40/65/90/115/140
Ability power ratio reduced to .45 from .5


Overload base damage increased to 40/65/90/115/140 from 30/55/80/105/130


Ravenous Flock now heals Swain for 75% of damage dealt versus champions, and 25% versus minions


Hungering Strike now heals for 80% of damage dealt, down from 100%


Omen of War
Fixed a bug where the Spectral Ghoul would not spawn if Yorick was silenced.
Omen of Pestilence
Increased the cast range by 50
Improved the consistency of the AoE slow by increasing the radius and rate of application.
Mana cost reduced to 40/45/50/55//60 from 50/55/60/65/70
Omen of Famine
Mana cost reduced to 55/60/65/70/75 from 60/65/70/75/80
Omen of Death
Updated the visual of Reanimated Champions to better show when a Champion has revived.
Removed the health decay on the Revenant and Reanimated pets
Fixed a bug with the interaction between Chronoshift and Revenants
Fixed a bug with Heimerdinger's turrets and the Reanimated state
Unholy Symbiosis
Yorick now takes 5% reduced damage for each summon that is active.
Increased the Attack Damage and Health of ghouls to 35% from 30% of Yorick's Attack Damage and Health
Ghouls are now immune to slows.
Ghouls take 50% reduced damage from AoE abilities
Mana per level increased to 35 from 30
Health per level increased to 85 from 80
Armor per level increased to 3.6 from 3
Base Movement speed increased to 320 from 315
Slightly increased his base Attack Speed


Rabadon's Deathcap base ability power reduced to 140 from 155


Fixed areas in brush that did not correctly hide units
Teleporting to a ward will now reveal the ward to enemies for a few seconds
Locally jumping to ward will now destealth the ward for 2 seconds
Added minimap range indicators for long range (non-global ) spells such as Nocturne’s Paranoia and Ashe’s Hawk Shot

Finally some buffs to yorick ... but i really don't like the nerfs that Jarvan is getting every single patch :(

A New Champion Approaches: Leona, the Radiant Dawn

On the upper slopes of Mount Targon, the warriors of Rakkor live and breathe only for war. However, Targon’s peak is reserved for a special group of Rakkor who answer to a “higher” calling. Members of this group, called the Solari, retire their mantles of war, choosing instead to devote their lives to reverence of the sun. According to legend, the Solari were formed by a warrior who could call the raw might of the sun down upon his enemies in combat. He claimed Mount Targon’s summit, the point on Valoran closest to the sun, for his solar devotion, a tradition which generations of Solari have preserved to this day. Though they maintain their reverence, no other warrior possessed the gifts of the founder – until Leona.

Leona’s parents were traditional Rakkor, both bred for the heat of battle. To them, Leona was a problem child. She was capable of fighting as fiercely as any other – including her childhood friend, Pantheon – but she did not share their zeal for killing. She believed that the true worth of a soldier lay in her ability to defend and protect. When it came time for her Rite of Kor, a ceremony in which two Rakkor teens battle to the death for the right to bear a relic-weapon, Leona refused to fight. For this, the Rakkor leaders ordered her execution, but when they tried to strike the fatal blow, sunlight burst forth, bathing Mount Targon in light. As it faded, Leona stood unharmed and her executioners lay unconscious around her. The Solari immediately claimed Leona, demanding that her sentence be repealed. She donned the golden armor of the Solari and they bestowed upon her the sword and shield passed down from the ancient sun-warrior of legend. The Solari helped Leona focus her abilities, and when she was ready she left to join the League of Legends.

“The sun’s rays reach all of Runeterra, so too must the image of its champion.”
- Leona


Shield of Daybreak – Leona charges her shield with the power of the sun causing her next melee attack to deal additional damage and briefly stun the target.

Eclipse – Leona raises her shield granting her additional Armor and Magic Resistance for 3 seconds. When the effect ends she deals area of effect damage and increases the duration of the defensive bonuses by 3 seconds if she damages an enemy.

Zenith Blade – Leona throws a blade of sunlight that deals damage to all enemies in a line. Leona teleports to the last enemy champion hit by this attack.

Solar Flare – After a brief delay, Leona calls down a beam of solar energy dealing damage and slowing enemies. Enemies in the center of the beam are stunned instead of slowed.

Sunlight (Passive) – Leona’s abilities mark the target with sunlight. Allied champions that damage marked targets deal additional damage and consume the mark.

More redhead pls!! :Q_

mercoledì 6 luglio 2011

The Prodigy - Breathe

You all must listen to this.
I really liek this song, i heard it for the 1st time on mtv when i was a child.
I like particularly the dark look of the room where the video is shot.

lunedì 4 luglio 2011

venerdì 1 luglio 2011

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